
Concentración contra la Violencia de Género .

Concentración contra la Violencia de Género .
Plaza de España 19h. Primeros martes de cada mes

Novedades y Convocatorias

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Raewyn Connell ´s Blog

Blog de Raewyn Connell, una socióloga teórica estudiosa del Género, Poder, Clase, Educación y Masculinidades.



Gender, class, and education

Connell first became known for research on large-scale class dynamics ("Ruling Class, Ruling Culture", 1977 and "Class Structure in Australian History", 1980), and the ways class and gender hierarchies are re-made in the everyday life of schools ("Making the Difference", 1982).
In the late 1980s she developed a social theory of gender relations ("Gender and Power", 1987), which emphasised that gender is a large-scale social structure not just a matter of personal identity. In applied fields she has worked on poverty and education ("Schools and Social Justice", 1993), sexuality and AIDS prevention, and labour movement strategy ("Socialism & Labor", 1978).



Connell is best known outside Australia for studies of the social construction of masculinity. She was one of the founders of this research field, and her book "Masculinities" (1995, 2005) is the most-cited in the field. The concept of hegemonic masculinity has been particularly influential and has attracted much debate. She has been an advisor to UNESCO and UNO initiatives relating men, boys and masculinities to gender equality and peacemaking.

Male roles, masculinities and violence: A culture of peace perspective


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